Sunday, 14 October 2018

Soft drink

A hard drink is one that contains alcohol. The advantages and disadvantages of drinking hard drinks are well known.
A soft drink doesn’t contain alcohol.  A soft drink is promoted as a glass of happiness. A nice, happy and joyful drink. 

They are actually nasty, evil and harmful.

In our community they cause about as much pain and suffering as tobacco. Tobacco is often considered the largest preventable cause of death and disease in our society. Some experts disagree and say obesity costs the community more than tobacco. Others still see tobacco as the main miscreant.

It is indisputable that, in our society, tobacco and obesity are the two major preventable causes of disease.  With both tobacco and obesity there are large social and economic costs to individuals and the community. The government taxes tobacco, promotes smoking cessation and regulates smoking advertising. The government sees tobacco as unmistakably nefarious and bad. 

While tobacco is often seen as the black hooded Darth Vader, sugar has snuck under our guard. It has gone along pretending happiness while spreading misery.  At least tobacco doesn’t pretend.

According to the NHMRC in 2012 around 60% of Australians were overweight or obese.  25% were obese.  These figures are increasing.

Obesity has been associated with heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, stroke and many types of cancer.
Heart disease, a stroke or diabetes are not a normal part of life. They will shorten your life. You will spend time in hospital with concomitant pain and suffering. When in hospital your family will be stressed and anxious about your future.  You will add to the crowd in ED.

When obese you will look fat which means you will have less pride in yourself and more emotional problems. You will be less able to play sport or be physically active in our society.

You will have more days off sick and finish work at an earlier age. You will be less productive.

An obese community will have a less productive workforce generating less money. It will spend more on health care and less on schools, roads and police.

Soft drinks are one of the major causes of obesity. They contain empty, added sugars. There is absolutely no health benefit in consuming such sugars.

Studies have shown obese people drink more soft drink. People who sit around drinking soft drinks are more likely to be obese, do less exercise and have unhealthy lifestyle.

When working as a dentist people with rampant decay were present. Often I would ask a few questions to find out why so many holes. The answer would often be soft drinks. When I saw someone with rampant decay and a soft drink habit I had something to work with. If they then took my advice I would see dramatic and immediate improvements in their oral health.

Soft drinks cause holes in teeth. Different soft drinks contain different carbohydrates. All the carbohydrates feed oral bacteria which produce acids which dissolves the hard tissue of teeth. This is called dental caries.

Soft drinks also cause dental erosion. Many soft drinks are acidic. The acids erode away tooth substance.  This erosion is different from decay but leads to irreversible loss of hard tooth materials.

Soft drinks also decrease bone density. Many studies have shown decreased bone density in regular high drinkers of soft drinks who are also often low drinkers of milk.

Soft drinks also cause kidney stones. Regular consumption of soft drink is associated with increased risk of developing kidney stones.

The average can of soft drink, energy drink or fruit juice contains 128-160 calories; 32-40 gm of sugar; 8-10 teaspoons of sugar.

One recommended daily intake is:

For a male:

2,500 calories per day with 150 calories 37.5 gm 9 teaspoons coming from added sugar.

For a female:

2000 calories per day with 100 calories 25 gm 6 tsp coming from added sugar

Experts can argue about what is the largest preventable cause of death and diseases. What has the largest social and economic cost?  Tobacco or obesity.

Tobacco and obesity both precipitate a lot of death and disease.  Both result in a large cost to individuals and our community. The government taxes tobacco in order to discourage tobacco use and to help pay for resulting health costs. It is time for the government to also discourage the eating of sugar.

It is time for the government to ban advertising and sponsorship of soft drinks during sport events.

It is also time the government promoted healthy nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention.

Taxing soft drinks as well as tobacco is logical; already occurs in many countries and will save our community money.