When I was a dentist everybody had questions about something
they did every day. Cleaning of teeth.
I can answer some of these questions by saying how I clean
my teeth.
Dental plaque is a mixture of bacteria that live on teeth.
Cleaning of teeth involves physically removing these bacteria. When I clean my teeth
I never remove every single bacteria. As soon as I stop my cleaning they start
to grow back and repopulate my teeth. When I clean my teeth regularly there are
less bacteria living on my teeth.
When cleaning my teeth I am happy not to remove every single
bacteria. My mouth is like my skin. It needs commensal bacteria. They help keep
pathogenic bacteria away. I need them
and they need me. Symbiosis. This reservoir of plaque will remain and repopulate
the teeth. Good cleaning involves removing most of the plaque. Good cleaning
also means my teeth will look and smell better.
Most native or pet animals don’t clean their teeth. This doesn’t mean cleaning of teeth is not
necessary. Most animals if they live
long enough and eat food similar to us will develop the same dental diseases.
They will develop gum disease with pain, infection and loss of function-in
wallabies it is called lumpy jaw. They will also get holes in my teeth. The
amount of decay will depend on their diet.
I can clean my teeth with a manual toothbrush but I use an
electric toothbrush. Using an electric toothbrush does the job better. Electric tooth brushes are not a mysterious
marketing stunt. I can clean well without one but they do the job better. An electric toothbrush is especially useful
for someone with hand, muscle or dental problems where routine cleaning is difficult.
Your dentist will be able to tell you if your cleaning is
appropriate. If you want to check for yourself plaque disclosing tablets are a
good guide. They will color the plaque and make it more visible and the occasional
use is interesting and helpful.
I clean between my teeth with floss or inter-dental brushes
once a day. Once a day because it takes 24 hours for the bacteria to
return. I brush twice a day because they
feel better, look better and every time I clean I miss different bits.
I brush my teeth after breakfast and after dinner. Not
directly after drinking or eating something acidic. Acidic liquid will soften
the tooth and brushing will remove the outer layer. To prevent this loss of
enamel I swish with a spoonful of plain yoghurt.
If my tongue seem especially furry I will clean it at the
same time. It will decrease the total number of bacteria in my mouth. It may decrease
any halitosis or decrease the reservoir of bacteria which recolonise teeth.
When you visit a dentist there is one thing you can’t hide.
How well you clean your teeth. You may get it right in every area every day. It
is more likely you will under clean certain areas and over clean certain areas.
Excessive cleaning can led to loss of the outer layer of
tooth and loss of gum. The resulting
tooth often appears longer and is more sensitive.
Excessive cleaning (toothbrush abrasion) occurs when a
toothbrush is used with toothpaste. It doesn’t occur with a toothbrush without
toothpaste. To manage toothbrush abrasion clean without toothpaste. And then rinse
your mouth with toothpaste or a mouth-rinse.
It is the toothbrush that cleans teeth. Not the toothpaste. I
use toothpaste because I like the taste. I brush with a routine bought
toothpaste. I no longer receive free samples.
I don’t rinse the toothpaste off. I spit out the excess.
I use a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride is a natural
and organic element which decreases tooth decay. Toothpastes containing
fluoride are good for your teeth when in contact with your teeth. The longer in
contact with your teeth the better.
Studies have shown that brushing with a fluoride toothpaste
followed by no rinsing leds to less decay. There are toothpastes contain a
higher amount of fluoride. Indicated for people with a high rate of decay. A
dentist will advise you and tell you if indicated.
There are other toothpastes which are good for very
sensitive teeth or which bleach teeth. The longer the teeth and toothpaste are
in contact the more the paste will work. Therefore don’t rinse after brushing.
And to answer your other question. I became a dentist because…