Friday, 7 June 2019

How much calcium do you need? ABC answers

How much calcium you need per day — plus the top non-dairy sources

By Chloe Warren  (ABC life)                    

You may not know this, but your bones are a bit like a bank.

Except this bank contains almost 99 per cent of your body's calcium.

And like any bank, you want to make sure that you are making more deposits than withdrawals.
Every day your body is withdrawing from your calcium bank (yep, your bones) to ensure your heart, muscles, blood and nerves are healthy and functioning properly.

If your body is not getting enough calcium from your diet to meet its needs, it reacts by 'withdrawing' calcium from your 'bone bank'. Over time these withdrawals will add up (don't they always) and your bone strength will decline, putting you at risk of osteoporosis later in life.

This is all a very long-winded way of saying, calcium is incredibly important and because of this constant turnover, it's important to hit those daily requirements. And there are plenty of ways to get your calcium — even if you're not someone who eats or drinks dairy.

But more than half of the Australian population is not getting enough Calcium.  In particular, it is women who are missing out.

Even though dairy products are recommended as best source of calcium   (as well as protein, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, B1, B2 and B12), you can't ignore the fact that many people are ditching dairy in favour of plant-based or lactose-free alternatives.

"It's a mineral that's really essential for our bodies. We all know about calcium and bone health — that includes teeth — but it's also important for other functions, like conducting nerve impulses around the body," explains Aloysa Hourigan, senior nutritionist with Nutrition Australia.

Calcium can be a finicky little dietary requirement, though; just how much you need depends on your age and gender.

Calcium (mg/day)
Children 1-3 years
Children 4-8 years
Children 9-11 years
Children 12-18 years
Adult women 19-50 years
Adult women 51+ years
Adult men 19-70 years
Adult men 71+ years
Your calcium intake earlier in life is really about making a deposit into your bone bank.

"Until about the age of 30 you're still laying down bone, and then you're just maintaining what you've got," says Amanda Devine, Professor of Public Health Nutrition at Edith Cowan University.

"Around menopause you tend to lose bone more rapidly — in men, that just happens later. It's really important that throughout life you really try and optimise what bone we've got."

This is especially important when we consider Australia's ageing population.

"Bone breakages after a fall can be devastating for older people. Once you've had a break it can be very hard to get back to that same quality of life as before," explains Professor Devine.

"We are all living longer — women can live a third of their lives in their menopausal years — so we are only going to see this issue even more."

Menopause has a big impact on just how much calcium we need. That's because women experience a huge drop in oestrogen, and that particular hormone is protective for bone health.

So now we know. Calcium is great.

Adults need between 2-4 serves a day of dairy.

"A serve of might be a cup of milk, a couple of slices of cheese, or a pot of yoghurt," says Professor Devine.

Remember, low-fat dairy options have just as much calcium in them as full-fat options.
But what if you don't dig dairy?

Bony fish are a great source — that's things like sardines or salmon.

For vegans and vegetarians, there are plenty of other ways to get your calcium. Eating a hearty mix of leafy greens will do it, and tofu, tahini and calcium-fortified plant milks are good sources as well.

Good sources of calcium — dairy and non-dairy

Good dietary sources of calcium include:
  • Milk and milk products: Milk, yoghurt, cheese and buttermilk. One cup of milk, a 200g tub of yoghurt or 200ml of calcium-fortified soymilk provides around 300mg calcium. Calcium-fortified milks can provide larger amounts of calcium in a smaller volume of milk — ranging from 280mg to 400mg per 200ml milk.
  • Leafy green vegetables: Broccoli, collards (cabbage family), bok choy, Chinese cabbage and spinach. One cup of cooked spinach contains 100mg, although only 5 per cent of this may be absorbed. This is due to the high concentration of oxalate, a compound in spinach that reduces calcium absorption. By contrast, one cup of cooked broccoli contains about 45mg of calcium, but the absorption from broccoli is much higher at around 50-60 per cent.
  • Soy and tofu: Tofu (depending on type; check the label as calcium levels vary) or tempeh and calcium-fortified soy drinks (look for those with at least 120mg of calcium per 100ml).
  • Fish: Sardines and salmon (with bones). Half a cup of canned salmon contains 402mg of calcium.
  • Nuts and seeds: Brazil nuts, almonds and sesame seed paste (tahini). There's about 110mg of calcium in 50g of almonds.
  • Calcium-fortified foods: These include breakfast cereals, fruit juices and bread. One cup of calcium-fortified breakfast cereal (40g) contains up to 200mg of calcium. Half a cup of calcium-fortified orange juice (100ml) contains up to 80mg of calcium, and two slices of bread (30g) provides 200mg of calcium.
Lactose intolerant or vegan then what? 

"Soy beverages would be a way to go. Some of the other rice milks, almond milks and oat milks are good, but soy milk is really the most nutritionally similar to normal milk," explains Professor Devine.
Whatever option you go for as far as alternative milks, it's important to check the label. You want for the beverage to be fortified with calcium, as well as any other key nutrients you might want.

Just make sure to give the carton a shake before pouring it over your cereal or coffee.

"Because of how manufacturers add the nutrients in, some of it can sit in the sediment at the bottom [of the carton]," says Professor Devine.

As with most nutrients, it's generally better to try to work calcium into your diet than to go straight for a supplement. A balanced diet comes with a whole host of advantages that a collection of pills can't really replicate. That being said, if you're really struggling to meet your intake, supplements will do the trick.

Can you have too much calcium?

The jury is still out on this one. There is some evidence that shows too much calcium can contribute to aortic calcification — that's buildup of the mineral on the inner walls of the heart.

Overall, though, the benefits of calcium seem to outweigh the risks, so health guidelines tends to lean towards making sure you get enough of it rather than making sure you don't get too much.

Hopefully by now we can all agree that calcium is fairly important. However, even if you eat the right foods, that's only going to get you part of the way towards optimal bone health.

"If your vitamin D is low, then your ability to absorb calcium is much poorer," Ms Hourigan says.
So get out in the sunshine! But be sensible, please — avoid those peak UV times in the middle of the day. The Australian sun is not kind.

Fairer skinned folk should get around 40 minutes a day during winter, and only around six minutes in summer. People with darker skin can aim for four hours in the winter, and a maximum of 40 minutes in summer.

Of course, no health article can be complete without this little reminder either.
We all need regular exercise.

"Bone density responds to what the body is doing: so if it's sitting down playing computer games all day then that's as good as it's going to get," says Professor Devine.

We should all be incorporating regular exercise into our routines: but that's not news to anyone.

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